Suzy Wright

                        District Clerk                         


Sheila Jones

Chief Deputy Clerk & Jury Administrator 

Sunshine Everett

Deputy Clerk - Family 

Paige Brown

Deputy Clerk - Civil 


MaKayla Holt

Deputy Clerk - Criminal

Amanda McKinney

Deputy Clerk - Criminal / Reporting

P O Box 1707

Quitman, TX 75783
Phone: 903-763-2361
Fax: 903-763-1511

E-Mail the District Clerk Here

Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (open through lunch)

Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (open through lunch)             


Anyone Can E-File into the District Court - Click here to access.

All Official Court Filings must follow
Texas State Laws and Rules
and cannot be accepted via fax or email.


Make online payments here -

****Must use bureau code 3516053****

Holiday/Special Closures:


Martin Luther King Day

Closed: January 20, 2025


Presidents' Day

Closed: February 17, 2025


Good Friday

Closed: April 18, 2025


Memorial Day

Closed: May 26, 2025







    • Prior to Arrival -- Complete the Jury Questionnaire online, which includes questions regarding any Disqualifications, Exemptions.
    • Bring your summons postcard with you and report in person, at the time and date on your summons.
    • Arrive early to allow for necessary check-in processes.
    • Please dress appropriately for court.  No shorts, sleeveless shirts, hats, flip-flops.
Medical Conditions
Physical or Mental Impairment)
If you have a medical condition which would make it impossible or very difficult to serve as a juror, you may request an exemption by completing the Affidavit for Medical Exemption (which includes the mandatory Physicians Statement for Medical Exemption) and returning it to the District Clerk. Your completed request will be submitted to a judge. 
- See Gov't Code 62.109. 

Jury Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Please see the links below:

    • A: The laws and rules regarding statutory qualifications are found in Sec. 62.102 of the Government Code.

      You are qualified to serve as a petit juror in Wood County, if you are:

      1. At least 18 years of age.

      2. A citizen of the United States.

      3. A resident in Wood County.

      4. Are of sound mind and good moral character [Documentation must be submitted to prove otherwise.]

      5. Are able to read and write.

      6. Have not served as a petit juror in the Wood County courts system during the preceding 6 months. [This does not include federal or municipal courts.]

      7. Have not been convicted of a misdemeanor theft.

      8. Have not been convicted of a felony.

      9. Are not under indictment or any type of legal accusation for a felony or any type of theft.

    • A: Please note: You are not required to claim an exemption even though one might apply to you.  If you would like to serve even though you are eligible for an exemption then we certainly appreciate your choosing to do so.  The Statutes regarding jury duty exemptions are found in Section 62.106 of the Government Code.

      You MAY claim and exemption from jury duty if:

      1. You are 75 years of age or older.

      2. You have legal custody of a child under the age of 12 and serving on jury duty would necessitate leaving this child without adequate supervision.  This exemption does not apply if you work outside the home during normal business hours. You may be excused if you are working part-time or unusual hours.

      3. You are a student at a public or private high school.

      4. You are a enrolled and in actual attendance at an institution or higher education.  This exemption applies for those who are currently in actual attendance. You must be attending during hours that would conflict with your jury service. Jury service is usually 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

      5. You are an officer or employee of the Senate, the House of Representatives or any department, commission, board, office or agency of the legislative branch of government.  This exemption does not apply to a person who is just a member of a board: (A) To be an officer means president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, etc.; (B) To be an employee means to be on the payroll of the Senate, House, committee, board, or any agency in the legislative branch.

      6. You are a primary caretaker of an invalid who is unable to care for him/herself.  To qualify for this exemption, you must be the only caretaker and you must live at the same address as that person. Invalids in nursing or residential homes have caretakers.  If you work as a health care provider, you are not eligible for this exemption.

      7. Active Duty Military.   You are a member of the United States Military forces serving on active duty and deployed to a location away from your home station and out of your county of residence.
    • A: YES!

      Wood County allows every juror ONE postponement for any reason at all in order for everyone to have the opportunity to pick a date better suited for their individual schedule.

      Before choosing to reschedule your jury service please understand that you are limited to just ONE change so please be sure that you choose your new appearance date carefully.

    • A: Jurors are paid for their service.

      • Each juror receives ten dollars ($20) for the first day of appearance and forty dollars ($58) for the second and any subsequent days of required appearance for jury service.  

        Jurors may donate their pay to a number of organizations that have been approved by the Wood County Commissioners Court and fall within the guidelines of the Texas Government Code.  

        Total juror donations disbursed to those local charitable organizations averages approximately $40,000 annually. *Payment is processed at the end of jury service, and a check is mailed to each juror within two to three weeks after their service is complete.* 

    • A: Unfortunately your employer is not currently required by Texas State law to pay you while you are serving jury duty.

      • However, the law states that an employer cannot terminate your employment for attending jury service.
    • A: Unfortunately there are no business/self-employment exemptions administered by the state legislature at this time.
    • A: Approximately 75% of prospective jurors are selected for trials.  If you are not selected to sit as a juror on a case, you can expect to be released for the week.  If you are selected, you will served for one trial.  Surprisingly, the average trial only lasts 1 to 3 days.
    • A: Yes, you or your son or daughter may take care of this matter by responding by indicating on the exemptions that they are enrolled in college.  If you are signing on behalf of your child, you will enter your name as a parent.
    • A: Please write on the front or back of the summons "Deceased" and mail or deliver it to the Office of the Wood County District Clerk:


      Attn: Jury Responses

      Wood County District Clerk

      P.O. Box 1707

      Quitman, TX 75783


      We will then forward this information to the Wood County Elections Department.

    • A: The summons needs to be returned indicating that the person does not live at the address. 

      • "Please return to sender, this person does not live at the address."
    • A: Please write on the front or back of the summons, "Active duty military" and mail or deliver it to the Office of the Wood County District Clerk:


                Attn: Jury Responses

                Wood County District Clerk

                P.O. Box 1707

                Quitman, TX 75783

    • A: There are no transportation exemptions.

      • If you have not been rescheduled before, then you may request a postponement in order to make better arrangements to appear.  
  • A: You will be required to pass through security immediately upon entering the Courthouse. 

    You will not be allowed to bring into the building any type of weapons, including pocket knives.

    Please leave anything that you think might not be allowed in your vehicle or at home.

  • A: Free parking is available all around the building and to the North of People's Telephone.

    Do NOT park in designated parking, such as "Customer Only" or "Reserved Parking."

    *If you are parked illegally or in the above mentioned restricted zones, your vehicle will be towed and you will be responsible for the towing and impound charges or fees.

Passport Information: 

Avoid long lines and get your passport processed at our office. Our one stop shop is here to help and is set up to take photographs, assist with your application, and process payment.

Location & Hours

If you are unsure about any of the information presented on this page, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Passport Applications are accepted Monday – Thursday from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm, excluding County holidays.

Wood County Courthouse
100 Main Street
Quitman, TX 75783
Applications & Forms
  • Download and fill out the appropriate passport application form
  • Learn about valid evidence of U.S. citizenship
  • Determine which identification documents you will need
  • Read about photo requirements
  • Calculate fees
  • And review the status of your application

Click here to Learn More

Application Processing Time

Upon arrival, the actual application process typically takes 10 - 15 minutes per applicant. Please note that discrepancies and missing documentation will result in processing delays or, ultimately, our inability to process the application.

For any travel required before the 3-week mark, you must contact the National Passport Information Center (NPIC) at (877) 487-2778 (TDD: (888) 874-7793) to make an appointment with the nearest regional passport facility for one-day service. In this case, it will be the Houston Regional Passport Facility at 1919 Smith Street.

Passport Fees
The passport fee must be paid in a money order/cashier’s check or personal check because it is sent with the application to National Passports for processing/issuance and must be made payable to the U.S. Department of State. Each application submitted must be accompanied by its individual passport fees (one payment per application submitted). For passports, an applicant is considered an adult at 16 years old, while 15 years and under are considered minors. Please keep in mind, service begins the day National Passports receives the application for processing. If you would like to use expedited service, an additional fee of $60.00 must be included in the money order/cashier's check or personal check. An optional overnight delivery fee of $19.53 can be added to expedited service to shave off the mailing time once the passport book has been issued. The overnight delivery fee is not available for passport cards.

Execution Fee and Photo Fees:
A $35.00 execution fee is charged to accept each application. If you would like for us to take your passport photograph a $15.00 photo fee will apply. These fees must be paid in cash, check, money order, cashier’s check or by credit card. Execution fee and photo fee may be combined in your payment per applicant.

Please refer to the table below for a summary of the above information if needed:

For up to date processing times, visit:
Passport Fee based on Type and Service
Payable to U.S. Department of State
(Money order/cashier's check or personal checks only)

Passport Fee

Routine Service
Processing Time

Expedited Service
Processing Time

Expedited Services &
Overnight Delivery Fee

Book: Adult




Book: Minor




Card: Adult




Card: Minor




Both: Adult




Both: Minor





*Only Passport Books will be delivered using overnight delivery.
All Passport Cards are always delivered via First Class mail.


Subsequent fees payable to Wood County District Clerk (cash, check, money order, cashier's check or credit cards accepted.)

Execution Fee: $35.00 for each applicant

  • Picture Fee: $15.00 for each applicant (when applicable)